Friday, January 29, 2010

will miss it for sure

Weeks of practicing , now I'm feel of boredom. Ldds drama I'm missing you. When i first saw you i felt i made a mistake but now i will never regret it.It was my first experience.Acting is my passion where i cannot play my own life role but imitate someone else and speak as an actress.I'm not me in the role. The laughter we had during practices.Not to mention the fights we were in.Ldds was filled with dramatic exposures. It was fun working with the rest.New characters and people i met all from different backgrounds which brought us along. The sweat and time we put in was precious. Last minute changes that brought us doubts.On the day of act, everything paid off well. The audience filled the hall with laughter and clasps then made us stand strong.We did not one this to be our last play so we worked hard to prove that this tradition will be carried in future.So it will be in years. People trespassing cheered us and gave us word of courage.A memory that will last forever. I will miss it for sure.....

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